Cheers Easy, No Bosh

“Cheers Easy” is a very simple game that you can play at any point throughout the day. Often, only the person you’re playing the game with will realise you’re playing it, so it’s ideal for even the most intimate offices.

Basically, you have to ask a question that requires an really obvious answer. If the person you’re asking actually answers your question, despite the answer being totally obvious, then that person has answered an “easy” question.

You then reply “Cheers Easy” to them, and you have 1 point.

For example: Person1 can see Person2 drinking some pop. Person1 asks “Are you drinking that pop?” and Person2 answers “Yes”. Person1 can then claim the point by saying “Cheers Easy!”

Jobs a good-un.

However, to make the game fair, it’s possible for any player to counteract any Easy question. If they realise they’re being asked an Easy question, and they answer “No Bosh” instead, then THEY get the point.

For example, later in the same day Person1 can see Person2 drinking some pop. Person1 asks “Are you drinking that pop?” Person2 answers “No Bosh!”. Person2 then claims the point, making it 1-1.

Whoever has the most points at the end of the day wins.

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